Tag Archives: bull sharks

Bull Sharks are no big deal, right?


Fact: Bull sharks can survive in salty or fresh water. Stop and think about that for a minute. Boring old fish at the pet store can’t even do that. You want to keep a bull shark in the bath tub? It won’t even blink.

Fact: They thrive in warm, shallow, coastal, murky waters, also known as the coasts of North and South Carolina.

Fact: They have been known to travel up the Mississippi River as far as Illinois. Do you know where Illinois is?! It is really far from the mouth of the river.

Fact: Adult bull sharks average over seven feet long, and have a bite force of up to 1300 pounds. Pound for pound, that’s more bite force than a Great White shark. (And it lives in your summer vacation spot. Cool.)

Fact: It is speculated widely that bull sharks were responsible for the Jersey Shore attacks in 1916 which inspired the novel Jaws. I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat, y’all.

Need I continue? Now, you’re probably not going to be attacked by a bull shark on your next family trip to the beach. Probably. But I can’t make any promises.